WOD – April 20th 2015
[Part A] Hang Power Clean 10 Minutes EMOM – 5 Reps @75% of Power Clean Max [Part B] Metcon 15min AMRAP 20 Shoulder Press (75/45)
Check what we found for you.
[Part A] Hang Power Clean 10 Minutes EMOM – 5 Reps @75% of Power Clean Max [Part B] Metcon 15min AMRAP 20 Shoulder Press (75/45)
[Part A] Front Squat 1-1-1-1-1 Front Squat [Part B] Metcon For Time: Row 1000m Run 200m Row 800m Run 400m Row 600m Run 600m Row
[Part A] Clean & Jerk 3-3-3 Clean & Jerk [Part B] Barbara 5 Rounds For Time With 3 Minutes Rest Between Rounds: 20 Pull-ups 30
In preparation for our replay of 15.3 tomorrow check out the live announcement of 15.3 from this years games.
CrossFit® Open 15.3 Replay 14min AMRAP 7 Muscle-Ups 50 Wall Balls 100 Double Unders
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